Wegierski: Whither Québec? Past, Present, and Future (I)

The October 1, 2018 provincial election in Quebec recorded a historical result. The centre-right Coalition Avenir Quebec (CAQ) won an amazing 74 of 125 seats. The Liberals were reduced to 32 seats. The very left-wing Quebec solidaire, with 10 seats, came ahead of the Parti Quebecois, which was reduced to 9 seats – one of their worst results ever. The results of the provincial election in Quebec on April 7, 2014, had also been somewhat unexpected. It was a huge win for the Liberals, led […]

Wegierski: Regionalism and Nationalism in Canada

Historical Context The problem of center-periphery relations in a society, and of how a geographically extensive country extending beyond the confines of a city-state, is to be effectively governed, are some of the most pressing problems in political theory. One of the failures of the Ancient Greeks was that they found it difficult to extend their political units beyond the city-state. One of the reasons for the prominence of Athens was that the surrounding area, Attica, had been forged into a quite unified entity, a […]

Wegierski: Fiftieth anniversary of 2001: A Space Odyssey and ten years since the death of Arthur C. Clarke

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) arose out of the collaboration of Stanley Kubrick, clearly one of the most accomplished directors of the American cinema, and Arthur C. Clarke, one of the most renowned science fiction writers of our time (who passed away on March 19, 2008, at 90 years of age). Arthur Charles Clarke was born in Minehead, western England, on December 16, 1917, the son of a farmer. Among Clarke’s main influences were H. G. Wells and Olaf Stapledon (the author of long cosmic […]

Piętka: Kolejny „bohater” Ukrainy

Obłędny kult zbrodniarzy i ludobójców z UPA jest na Ukrainie codziennością. Zdołaliśmy już przywyknąć do pomników Bandery, Szuchewycza i Kłaczkiwskiego. Ale w ten sposób czci się tam także pomniejszych watażków OUN i UPA – bezpośrednich wykonawców zbrodni. Tak na przykład w Czortkowie w obwodzie tarnopolskim upamiętniono Petro Chamczuka „Bystrego” (1919-1947 albo 1948), który najpierw służył w Armii Czerwonej, następnie był funkcjonariuszem Schutzmannschaften – ochotniczych oddziałów policji pomocniczej działających na okupowanych przez Niemcy terenach ZSRR i przeznaczonych do wykonywania akcji pacyfikacyjno-eksterminacyjnych – a na końcu został […]

Wegierski: Separatist tendencies in Canada — their origins, development, and future

(This article is partially based on an English-language text that appeared in Polish translation under the title, “Tendencje separatystyczne w Kanadzie.” (Separatist tendencies in Canada) trans. Olaf Swolkien, Nowe Sprawy Polityczne (New Political Affairs) (Wolomin, Poland) no 30 (2004-2005), pp. 77-81.) Canada was founded as a State by the act of Confederation in 1867 (formally known as the British North America (BNA) Act, which was passed by the Parliament of Westminster in London) — out of the union of four pre-existent historical regions — Ontario, […]

Wegierski: Polish language knowledge and Polish-Canadian identity

Mark Wegierski asks, can there exist a Polish-Canadian identity with declining Polish language knowledge in Canada?   In the statistics of the Canada Census, over the last few decades, the percentage of persons of Polish descent who claim knowledge of the Polish language, is not particularly large (around a third). Indeed, it can be seen that knowledge of the Polish language is declining among the generations of Polish descent born in Canada. In my opinion, this places the Polish-Canadian newspapers, most of which appear almost […]

Will there ever be a conservative uprising in liberal, post-Sixties’ Canada?

Donald Trump is currently renegotiating Free Trade with Canada, a country where over 80% of its trade is with the United States; and where probably over 80% of the population detests him. Canada’s armed forces are notoriously underfunded, and Canada’s contribution to NATO has been ridiculously small. Canada is quite happy with being a „free rider” on U.S. military defense spending, spending next to nothing on its own military. It is also to some extent a „free rider” on the U.S. healthcare system, making use […]

Wegierski: The Failure of the Canadian Right — from Brian Mulroney’s “defeat in victory” to the torpedoing of Stockwell Day to Stephen Harper’s flop in 2015

It could be argued that, over the last five decades, the Canadian Right has conclusively failed to articulate a “counter-ethic” to the now-prevalent “Liberal idea of Canada” and is now on the fast track to extinction in the Canadian polity. The origins of the decline of the Canadian Right can be traced to the battles from 1963 to 1968 between Liberal Prime Minister Lester Pearson and the staunch Tory John Diefenbaker (who was Prime Minister from 1957 to 1963), and the initial burst of “Trudeaumania” […]

Wegierski: Examining the “right-wing Green” critique of current-day America

Based on an English-language draft of a presentation for the 2013 Conference of the Polish Association for American Studies (PAAS) (Eating America: Crisis, Sustenance, Sustainability) (Wroclaw, Poland: University of Wroclaw, Department of English Studies), October 23-October 25, 2013. The paper was accepted for publication in The Polish Journal for American Studies, vol. 8 (2014), but additional work on the paper, necessary for publication there, was not completed because of unforeseen personal circumstances. Green or ecological/environmentalist ideas, which are sometimes instantiated by capital-G Green parties, are […]

Ziętek-Wielomska: Mieczysław F. Rakowski: polityczny emisariusz między Warszawą a Berlinem

Czytelnika nieobeznanego z rolą niemieckich kanałów wpływu w polityce PRL tytuł tego artykułu może zaskoczyć, albo przynajmniej zdziwić. Nie jest to jednakże moja ocena, lecz twierdzenie samego M. Rakowskiego, który takim mianem sam siebie określił: „Z obserwatora-dziennikarza, który popierał porozumienie [Gomułki z RFN – MZW], stałem się, za sprawą już wcześniej nawiązanych przeze mnie kontaktów z niemieckimi politykami i dziennikarzami, naprawdę szybko czymś w rodzaju dobrowolnego emisariusza”. Słowa te padają w artykule Rakowskiego zatytułowanym „Dziennikarz i polityczny emisariusz między Warszawą i Bonn” (Journalist und politischer […]