Live long and prosper — the ideology of Povertism

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Fewer children are born every year; our children, our great hope to preserve our cultural heritage for posterity. Without our children, sweet children, all is lost. Lord hath mercy upon us, for we have sinned. As dust settles on gradma`s old furniture, we stare blankly into the empty void; where is the young gentlemen eager to swipe the grime off of granny`s cupboard?

These are not only the priests and journalists who keep sounding off the alarm and warning the society of the impending doom. No matter how hard we try to sweep the problem under the rug, there is no way of overlooking the fact, that feritility rates have suffered a significant decline in the last 20 years. However, any two-bit college graduate with a nack for writing is capable of pouring out his discontent and nagging about how bleak the situation is. We must take actions, grab the bull by its horns and present solutions. Some say that we would be better off with a much stronger economy, more money means more wealth, and that in return might provide a incentive for families to have more babies.

Clever as it may seem, this kind of attitude might turn out to be completely wrong. In his many essays and books covering the philosophy of „Natalism”, Jan Cyraniak points out that, paradoxically, low fertility rates correlate with a high standard of living. He adresses the issue from multiple angles, paying meticulous attention to the question of social attitude towards having children and establishing families, concluding that the democratic and liberal ideology – which essentially boils down to promoting an eternal rat race, whose competitors are no more than mere pawns in an elaborately devised plan to create a society of self-centered, arrogant individuals – has struck the very core, the essence so to speak, of the traditional system of values prevelant throughout european cultures for centuries. Furthermore, Cyraniak offers a very bold and unique solution – povertism; an ideology which would require millions of people to embark on a great journey towards ubiquitous abject poverty. Only then, traditional family values would be restored. To support his theory he provides empirical data: such countries like Bangladesh, Nigeria or Mali have high fertility rates and have nothing to fear despite the pernicious living conditions. Conversely, the numbers are less satisfactory in western countries, not to even mention Norway or Sweden, where the society is so firmly set in its ways that there seems to be no hope.

Poverty is the only harbinger of hope left. The worship of money and comfortable life has left us completely oblivious to family traditions, so we need to replace it with rigid, abject, crushing poverty which will force communities to cooperate together and restore the very relations which have for thousands of years forged the mentality of our great european ancestors. This task may at first seem like a dismal one. How to coax people to stop bothering with culture, music, cinema, higher education and shift their focus to the only activity which is worth the while – having babies?

Before we begin to instill proto-povertists values in the minds of the common folk, we must first get rid of the mechanical barriers. All forms of birth control must disappear. Here we draw heavily on the experience of the australian school of economics and thus follow the „Minimax rule” – maximize the chance of conception for every act of sexual intercourse. Condoms and pills should be outlawed and their possession or distribution should be punished by harsh fines and even jail stints. Of course, no doubt the black market would flourish under such conditions. No longer would it be surprising to see a pack of swarthy, denim-jacket-wearing youngsters descending down a staircase to a dark, ghastly basement in order to purchase a few hand-crafted condoms tailored manually out of bits of cow bladders. Unfortunately, this is unavaoidable, but in the end discipline must prevail.

Education is the next serious problem. In one of his works, J. Cyraniak stated that the fight with analphabetism, ushered by liberals and free-thinkers, was an endeavour which empowered the progressive and leftists ideologies of the twentieth century, which chief goal was to dismantle and destroy the old order and introduce new ideological and philosophical ideas, which would provide a fertile ground for the engenderment of cultural marxism. Nobody has to be reminded, that the bolsheviks and communists were staunch opponents of analphabetism, but their struggle against it was nothing more than a clever plot designed to provide the soviet citizen with the ability to read only to fully expose him to communist propaganda. Recently, the ideological erosion of european culture is carried out by such treacherous and malicious inventions like „gender studies”, „queer studies” or „brain hemisphere synchronization”. Not only are unaware students plunged into a leftists abyss full of licentiousness, vice and the most heinous ideological ideas of the last century, but they are also constantly bombarded from all sides by a huge list of occultist and new age fads such as: „magic”, „illusion”, „tarot” and many others. All the efforts of the educational system have to be focused on nurturing a spirit of fertility – an ersatz of a classic priapic cult if you will – and approaches and philosophical attitudes opposing this spirit should be completely banned and barred from public schools and universities. The school must promote the ethos of a man-breeder; a patron of the hearth and home, whose strong loins are always willing and ready to cast a new patriot onto this world.

We have so far maximized the chance of conception during intercourse and shaped the educational system in order to promote fertility. Now it is due time to embrace proto-povertist condtions; to harness the full power of poverty and establish a new order based on ubiqutious penurity, which will fill the cracks and creases in the lives of each single human being like a river shaping the path it traverses. First of all, a law must be passed which will stipulate that no bachelor without children after the age of 21 can enter cinemas, restaurants or other facilities of leisure. This way we`re getting rid of some of the so called carnal distractions which may interfere with procreation. Secondly, we must provide proper living conditions for all citizens. No short of being complex and meticulous, this process must take place on a few levels. All apartmens have to be exactly identical. Brutalism, with it`s jagged-edged, plain blocks of flats, should be the prevailing architectural style in the city.

The bachelor pad, a symbol of western liberalism, must not only be scoffed at, but also condemened by the government. A single-room flat is a sinister portent of spiritual illness, a symbol of dogmatic individualism. Whoever dwells within it runs a high risk of succubing to the most atrocious forms of immorality, serving his soul on a silver platter to the devil and conceding defeat to the lord of darkness without even putting up a fight. For it is in the bachelor pad where the forlorn male is at his most vulnerable. Here he is exposed to all manners of lubricity and licentiousness; it is here where irresponsible, loveless, noncommittal sexual intercourse is embraced – no higher purpose, no devotion, no love, just a frantic, selfish acts of indulgence in the most vile desires that a despondent man can conjure up in his poisoned mind. Atrocious as it is, the male is simply unable to shy away from it, for he has no family to be responsible of. He falls pray to the children of the night, gnawing at his soul and tearing the divine flesh of his own dignity.

Precisely for those reasons all apartments have to be completely uniform in their structure. Of the utmost importance will be the main room of the flat: „The Mother Hive”. The center of the room will be occupied by a tile furnace, a premonitious symbol of warmth, the center of the karmic circle of life, a harsh, rigid icon of dedication and fecundity. It is by this furnace that the family shall gather around and listen to the word of the man-breeder, whose role can not be limited to that of providing bread and shelter for his family. He takes on a pro-active approach, every day shaping the mentality of his children, instilling all of the values cherished under the rule of povertism. The father maintains the fire of the family hearth, his word is of divine provenance and with its help the male espouses an eternal mission of bridging the gap between the physical manifestation of his family and its transcendent, spiritual and eschatological destiny. Such responsibility requires discipline and in his life the male`s role is no less than that of a guardian of the family light – the decider, the breeder and the scholar.

All of the rooms should be simple, plain and far from primming. No extensive decorations allowed – including television screens, computers or paintings – for they might pose a serious spiritual threat and be misinterpreted or misused by family members in the absence of the male-breeder. Aside from the kitchen and the toilet, each family will be provided with 3 rooms for their offspring with an additional living segment attached to the flat by cranes and heavy machinery should the family have more children.

Child limit? Never. The couple must acknowledge that its mission is of vital importance to the well-being of the whole country, and in order to bring Poland out of the demographic depression they must constantly struggle to have more and more children, as long, of course, as their bodies can handle it. In case the apartment becomes too cramped, special counsils will secure new living quarters and make sure that the family has always ample room for another child.

One last room that has so far escaped our attention is the room of „Love and Procreation”. Its main feature would be a huge, king-size bed. Lighting would be provided by 4 liturgical candles placed in each corner. The bare, grey walls would be decorated with pictures of popes and holy people. The couple would carry out their marital duties under the vigilant eye of st. Thomas Aquinas, the melancholy, sullen gaze of St. Ildefonse of Toledo and the warm, welcoming stare of Pope John Paul II. Just imagine the magical, pristine, almost mystical atmosphere of a dimly light room, where a male thrusts his manhood into his beloved wife, their bodies tangled together in a divine expression of immaculate love, all the while being observed by the most cherished patrons of the church.

To support the family in this great endeavour the government must impose full food rationing. Consumers should have access to staples – bread, butter, rice, potatoes – and items necessary for the upbringing of their children. Non-essential products should be laballed as luxury goods and be sold only for special currency awarded to the most fertile couples. A special de-modernization program would be carried out in the countryside, making sure that electricty and modern building materials are no longer available. What we need is good, old-fashioned methods; dirty, lubricious, kinky sex on a haystack in a pigsty, where the sexual yearning of the married couple is incited by the ever so subtle smell of manure, forage and wheat wafting through from the pens and filling their nostrils — a true relationship between man and nature is established.

No system based on the ideology of povertism can function properly without certain forms of direct jurisdiction. Militias comprising honorable family members would roam the streets and carry out monthly check-ins, making sure that proper family values are maintained in each household.

The old cupboard is still covered in grime, but fear not grandma, for there is still hope.

Filip Daniel Cee

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0 thoughts on “Live long and prosper — the ideology of Povertism”

  1. Po polsku, bo tak latwiej. Nie moge wypowiadac sie za innych ale od siebie powiem, iz dlugo czekalem na taki tekst. Gratulacje dla Autora! Niezwykla zasluga tego tekstu jest wyostrzenie znaczenia dorobku szkoly australiskiej. Jednakze nie jest zrozumiale, jak to sie stalo, iz Szanowny Autor nie wspomnial nawet jednym slowem o pracach Koltza. Utarlo sie i zreszta nadal pozostaje w dobrym tonie pietnowac zbyt uniwersalistyczne pretensje szkoy australijskiej, szczegolnie jesli chodzi o wymiar temporalnego wertykalizmu. Wielu badaczom takie stawiane zagadnienia biedyzmu wydaje sie nie do przezwyciezenia. Dopiero Koltz rozwiazal te aporie .Przeciez to on, zaiste! dokonal podzialu na biedyzm preindustrialny ( chatyzm, skukizm) i na biedyzm post – industrialny ( pociagizm, treinizm), co pozawla nam na dywersyfikacje problematyki. Bez Koltza nie da sie w ogole uwzglednic socjalncyh uwarunkowan sytuacji prebiedystycznych jako uwarunkowan dla dynamizmu prenatalnego, tylko pozornie zwiazanego z sytuacja geograficzna podmiotow, a bez tego nie moze byc egzystencjalnej odpowiedzi na fundamentalne pytania w tej kwestii. Mimo to, mimo te luki, tekst autorstwa PH.D.Cee jest godny polecenia. Wszystkim Czytelnikom gotowym na podjecie dojrzalej refleksji o biedyzmie mozna go smialo rekomendowac. Warto, aby Czytelnicy mieli na uwadze to, ze sami bardzo czesto nie sa w stanie odnalezc odpowiedzi na nurtujace ich pytania odnosnie biedyzmu. W zwiazku z powyzszym publikacje te bez wahania poleca się ludziom gotowym na podjecie dojrzalej refleksji nad swiatem i zyciem. Pozdrawiam Autora. Buziaczki z tej strony! AR.

  2. Witam serdecznie. Dziękuje za ciepłe słowa i za nową wiedzę. Nie słyszałem nigdy o Koltu ale po pana wypowiedzi wniosku, że warto go przeczytać. Pozdrawiam serdecznie 🙂

  3. Polecam szczegolnie „Durftigkeitische Untersuchungen” z 1984 roku. Pisalismy o tym w Kaciku Germanofila jakies piec lat temu.

  4. Ponabijać się z siermiężnego, naiwno-ludowego „natalizmu” p. Cyraniaka oczywiście można, jednakże w życiu często bywa tak, że gdy z kogoś się śmiejemy, warto po gogolowsku zapytać się, czy przypadkiem nie śmiejemy się również z siebie samych. A przynajmniej, czy mamy do zaproponowania jakąś „lepszą” alternatywę. I mi tutaj – gdy o tym myślę – nie wiedzieć czemu przypomina się pewien skecz Monty Pythona, w którym pewne protestanckie małżeństwo z właśnie takim poczuciem wyższości obserwuje katolicką rodzinę mającą bodajże kilkadziesiąt dzieci i oczywiście klepiącą przeraźliwą biedę. Tylko że w dalszej części skeczu okazuje się, że coraz mniej jest jasne, na czym ta „przewaga” protestantów polega i czy w ogóle jest jakaś „przewaga”. Więc może – panowie – przedstawicie Waszą „lepszą” wersję i wtedy dopiero da się cokolwiek skomentować?

  5. dariusz.pilarczyk — ma pan trochę racji; czasami stosujemy hiperbolę, ale to po to, aby podkreślić pewne kwestie, pytania i problemy.

  6. @Ph.D.Cee Jestem zaskoczony Panskim brakiem znajomosci Koltza. Czy nie jest on wlaczony do programu studiow na Politechnice Gdanskiej? Prosze mnie chociaz upewnic, ze zna Pan „Armut als Wille und Vorstellung” Schopehaurea i „Da-Armut” Heideggera.

  7. Ahh, Schopenhauera i Heideggera znam, jak najbardziej, w końcu nieprzypadkowo w „biedyźmie” proponuje specyficzną formę Dasein opartą na przywarach skromności.

  8. Doskonale! Zycze powodzenia w dalszych untersuchungen nad biedyzmem i dynamika treinizmu. Pozdrawiam z tej strony.AR.

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